pumpkin chips vacuum fryer
Pumpkin has a range of fantastic health benefits, including being one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant. It also gives orange vegetables and fruits their vibrant color. The body converts any ingested beta-carotene into vitamin A.Consuming foods rich in beta-carotene may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, offer protection against asthma and heart disease, and delay aging and body degeneration.
Many studies have suggested that eating more plant foods such as pumpkin decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality. It can also help prevent diabetes and heart disease, and promote a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, and a healthful body mass index (BMI). Pumpkins are also a powerful source of fiber.
apple chips vacuum fryer machine
Stand out from others and sell contemporary healthier carrot crisps!
The carrot also called as the "queen of the vegetables" is saturated with nutrients and the richest source of beta-carotenes.
Beta-carotene in the human body is transformed into Vitamin A (Retinol). Carrot is also rich in other vitamins: B, Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (Calciferol) and Vitamin E (Tocopherol), Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), Vitamin B5 (Pantotenic Acid), Siliceous, Pectin and essential oil is an important source of minerals and trace elements. Contains Magnesium, Calcium and Iron. Carrot is full of antioxidants and full fiber. On the other hand, it contains a minimum of fats and sugars.
In short, a superb vegetable full of strength, derived from its vitamins and other ingredients from which you can, thanks to our technological equipment, produce excellent products full of flavor with the preservation of vitamins and other beneficial substances with attractive color and high utility properties.
An exclusive machinery for carrot preparing is a vacuum fryer, which produces higher quality healthier food.
For a free consultation about our vacuum fryers, please email us at catherineji2014@gmail.com
Carrot chips, and other snacks with exceptional flavor prepared under vacuum are gaining the popularity among customers, they are healthy, tasty, full of vitamins with minimal oil content, also suitable as a nutritional supplement for athletes and children.
When processing using vacuum, the liquid is eliminated from chips rather shortly. This accelerates the snack processing method, while the oil doesn't get into the open pores of the material, so the final chip consists of less than 7% of oil content - in comparison with 40% in the classic method! Snacks are made in a vacuum fryer under lower pressure, which enables frying of the product at low er temperature - 85 to 120 ° C. No carcinogenic substances exist in the oil.
For low temperature processing, the snacks keep their original color, flavor, aroma or nutrition. Vacuum frying turns fruit and vegetable into healthier products that are extremely favored, developing into a quality substitute to standard snacks.
Vacuum frying allows you to produce light healthier chips and food with higher worth at less spending of electricity and other sources in comparison with the standard frying, providing the proprietor of the equipment a competing advantage.
The carrot chips fried in a vacuum fryer is better as a result of:
§Less oil - up to 7%
§The tempting color of the product - close to its original colour, the product does not darken and no black spots are formed on the surface
§Oil - does not add undesirable odor and taste to the product
§It keeps useful features in the product
§Acrylamide-free - its content in the product is 94% less than in a product prepared in a classic fryer
§No carcinogenic substances
We design and manufacture a complete solution for carrot processing from washing, cleaning, slicing, pressing, drying, frying, cooking, blanching, sterilizing.
For more information about our vacuum fryers, please email us at catherineji2014@gmail.com
Mixed dried vegetable chips vacuum fryer
Vacuum deep-fat frying is a new technology that can be used to improve quality attributes of fried food because of the low temperatures employed and minimal exposure to oxygen.
What are the benefits of vacuum-fried fruit chips? What nutrition does it provide?
What are the benefits of vacuum-fried fruit chips? What nutrition does it provide?
Vacuum frying proves to be a better and healthier alternative option than conventional frying. This technology has added advantages over conventional frying and it does not compromise the taste of the food. Vacuum fried chips always help in retaining all the micronutrient and vitamin properties. It improves the quality attributes of fried products. It also helps in maintaining the low moisture and fat content while preserving certain health benefits. Vacuum frying technology is also similar to conventional frying but it reduces the amount of oil used and also it reduces the amount of carcinogens present as the oil does not decompose so readily at this temperature. Low-heat or high-pressure fry makes the simple fruits become more crispy. These chips contain lesser oil content which is one of the good food habits in our daily routine. Conventional frying includes more amount of oil to be absorbed by the food directly. This results in certain disorders such as obesity, cholesterol, other chronic disorders, chances of heart disease etc. This is not good for health as more amounts of lipids and fat enter the body, whereas in vacuum fried chips, separate de-oiling operation is done to remove extra surface absorbed oil as the last stage of vacuum frying operation. Vacuum frying process is achieved at lower temperatures than conventional frying. This minimizes the formation of acrylamide, which is a harmful thermal reaction product. This technology makes the products free from preservatives and holds the originality of the food without added sugar and colors. The food is rich in protein, dietary fibers and potassium. It is recommended to use vacuum fried fruit chips as it provides great nutrition and good health benefits too.
healthiest vegetable chips vacuum fryer
The low-temperature fried fruit is different from the general frying process, that is, under vacuum conditions, the raw material is dehydrated at 80~110 °C, effectively avoiding the damage of high-quality food nutrients and quality.
Vacuum frying is a frying process that is carried out at pressures well below atmospheric level. It has been used for different foods, but mostly fruits and vegetables.
The latest reports include apple, apricot, banana, jackfruit, green and gold kiwifruits, carrot, mushroom, potato, shallot, sweet potato and purple yam. Vacuum frying offers an alternative way to improve the quality of fried fruit and vegetables other than by atmospheric frying.
The main factors that influence fried products are the frying time-temperature combination of the cooking process; the correct combination of which is necessary to produce a food product with acceptable physical attributes . Vacuum frying significantly lowered the final oil content in comparison to atmospheric fried vegetables and it also slowed the rancidity of the oil.
Most of the benefits of vacuum frying from the low temperatures used and the minimal exposure to oxygen, which reduces the adverse effects on the oil quality , preserves the natural colour and flavour, decreases the acrylamide content and preserves nutritional compounds, such as vitamins and minerals .
Vacuum frying is a good option to achieve high quality dried products with better
colours and flavours due to the reduced oxidation,
lower frying temperatures and much shorter
processing times compared with other techniques.Vacuum fried products are prepared using fresh
fruits and vegetables that are peeled and cut into
small pieces. The operating pressure used is usually
lower than 7 kPa which produces a good reduction
in the boiling point of water and allows the frying
temperature to be lower than 90oC.
Vacuum Frying Plant
The low-temperature fried fruit is different from the general frying process, that is, under vacuum conditions, the raw material is dehydrated at 80~110 °C, effectively avoiding the damage of high-quality food nutrients and quality.
vacuum fried beet chips fryer
It may be concluded that vacuum frying could be an efficient alternative method of frying. The vacuum frying can be used to reduce oil content during production of fried foods such as beetroot chips with higher retention of betalain content (13.68 mg/l) as compared to atmospheric fried beetroot chips (2.6 mg/l).
Vacuum Frying of vegetables is a relatively new process. Rather than deep frying the vegetables in oil at high temperature, the vegetables are processed at lower temperatures. This helps in retention of natural nutrients, color, texture and flavor. This also results in very low oil absorption and oil degradation. These chips are made by using high quality produce sourced directly from the farmers. The chips are rich in taste, crispy and very low on fat.
Low on fat – High Potassium – Vitamin B9 – High Fiber & Iron – Anti inflammatory - Lowers blood pressure
Low Fat, All Natural, No Preservatives, No artificial colours, No added sugar, Gluten Free, MSG free, Vegan friendly
China banana chip fruit snacks vacuum fryer
banana chips dehydrator vacuum fryer
crispy banana chips vacuum fryer
banana plantain chips vacuum fryer
dehydrated banana chips vacuum fryer
Vacuum frying process
In recent years, consumer’s preference for low-fat and
fat-free products has been the driving force of the snack
food industry to produce lower oil content products that
still retain the desirable texture and flavor. Vacuum frying may be an option for production of fruits and vegetables with low oil content and the desired texture and flavor characteristics. It is defined as the frying process that is carried out under pressures well below atmospheric levels, preferably below 50 Torr (6.65 kPa). Due to the pressure lowering, the boiling points both of the oil and the moisture in the foods are reduced. Vacuum frying poses some advantages that include: (1) can reduce oil content in the fried product, (2) can preserve natural color and flavors of the product due to the low temperature and oxygen content during the process, and (3) has less adverse effects on oil quality; and (4) can produce potato chips with no acrylamide content.
vacuum fried dried mixed vegetables fryer
A vacuum fryer is a machine designed to fry vegetables, fruit, fish, and meat at low temperatures. The equipment has the ability to reduce the oil content of the food, sometimes well below 15 percent. It can also help to inhibit the loss of nutrients that commonly occurs with food cooked or fried at high temperatures. The vacuum fryer also maintains the food item’s color, texture and flavor. Food fried with this frying method can be stored for a longer time than other types of fried food.
These machines are sometimes quite large and were originally manufactured for making potato chips. They are usually made from stainless steel and are basically deep-frying apparatuses used to lessen the harmful results of frying in fat. The technology removes moisture and air from the frying chamber, creating a near vacuum. Several studies suggest that the presence of the carcinogen acrylamide — a chemical compound found in certain foods — is reduced by the vacuum frying method. Regular, atmospheric deep-frying methods apparently do not reduce the presence of this compound.
There are two types of vacuum fryers. Intermittent vacuum fryer is used for smaller operations and are suitable for vegetables and fruit. Larger, continuous vacuum fryer is better for more sustained commercial use. The intermittent vacuum fryer’s oil has to be replaced more often than the continuous fryer. This makes the continuous vacuum fryer more attractive to larger manufacturers as it lowers the cost of production.
The vacuum fryer is relatively simple to operate. Pumps create the vacuum and programmable electronics allow the user to control the system. Food that has been placed in boiling oil is quickly robbed of moisture. A vacuum fryer allows the food to fry at a reduced temperature and retain much of the moisture and taste. This process can also reduce the amount of oil in the fried food item, although the exact amount depends on the particular type of fryer that is being used.
Research has shown that vacuum fried potato chips may have up to 50 percent less oil content than chips that have been deep-fried using regular frying methods. Foods fried in a vacuum fryer also often retain higher levels of nutrients than those fried with other methods. Foods that have been vacuum fried are no match for a fully rounded nutritious diet, but they may go a long way to making snacks a little healthier. The one drawback to using a vacuum fryer is that the process is more expensive than regular atmospheric methods.
Durable Vacuum Frying Equipment
At first glance, vacuum frying and traditional frying are similar. But vacuum fried chips have added advantages over traditional deep fried chips.
Vacuum Frying Versus Atmospheric Frying.
The main difference between vacuum frying and atmospheric frying is the lower boiling point of water at lower pressures that enables to fry at lower temperatures. For that reason, vacuum frying has many advantages over atmospheric frying in relation to product quality attributes.
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